Dallas Area Home Inspector

Paul Wood Inspection Group, Inc.
Over 24 Years Experience
Over 12,000 Homes Inspected
While Serving the Dallas Area
Over 24 Years Experience
Over 24 Years Experience
Over 12,000 Homes Inspected
Over 12,000 Homes Inspected
While Serving the Dallas Area
While Serving the Dallas Area
"Treat others the same way you would want to be treated" -Matthew 7:12
"Treat others the same way you would want to be treated" -Matthew 7:12
"Treat others the same way you would want to be treated" -Matthew 7:12
Paul Wood Inspection Group, Inc.
Paul Wood Inspection Group, Inc.
Whether you are buying or selling a house we are here to help you identify any potential problems with the property. The typical inspection takes 3-5 hours (around 8 hours for a large home). Using a range of investigative tools we will inspect your home from top to bottom.
Our inspections include:
General safety and security
All rooms in the interior living space
Building design, framing and structure
Foundations, basements and crawl spaces
Attics, garages, stairs, steps
Exterior walls, siding, trim, windows, doors
Roof coverings, drainage systems, skylights, vents and ventilation
Chimneys, fireplaces
Walkways, patios, decks and driveways
Perimeter drainage
Electrical service
Water piping & valves, gas piping & valves
Hot water supply
Sinks, toilets, tubs, showers
Heating systems, cooling systems, air filters
Electrical panels, wires, wiring, outlets, switches, lighting fixtures, and ceiling fans
Custom installations, such as pools, hot tubs or steamers
Home, Condo & Townhouse Inspections
Paul Wood Inspection Group's mission is to provide a home inspection in a manner that exceeds the home buyer's/home owner's expectations. We at Paul Wood Inspection Group have over 20 years experience and over 9,000 homes inspected while serving the Dallas area. We were established in 2000 as Wood Inspection Service and moved under Paul Wood Inspection Group, Inc. in 2007.
We are consistent in providing the information needed to make a good decision about the home. Our home inspecting process goes through each major component which includes: structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and HVAC (Heat, ventilation, and air conditioning). The inspection process provides the needed information in an understandable language with enthusiasm and integrity.
Through the years, many times our clients have asked us this question: "If this was your daughter buying this house, what would you tell her?" This question reveals the importance of our service to our clients. The heart felt concern to spend this much money matters to whoever we are serving. This has become a guideline to our thinking as we go through our daily routine. This house will be owned by someone's son or daughter. Therefore, it is worth the extra effort to go beyond what is normal in order to really see the home. We never want to be in a hurry during an inspection. Two home inspections are the most our inspectors perform in a single day. Many times, depending on the size and location, one home is enough for the day.

To Request an inspection, please click the "Schedule an Inspection" link below and fill out the form. Someone will contact you shortly to confirm.